Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homo Teknis 29: It's SO party music, man DEUCE

Harvey Halfenblasten died in the ER. His family and friends honor his life, and remember him at his funeral. And they hope for justice for his murderer's Mr. Fullabuster and DJ sointex.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homo Teknis 28: Eris of Prog 1

I made an extra-long episode in honor of Mr. Halfenblasten... I've been collecting so much prog house in the past few months as I've been feeling that more than any other genres recently, so I've got a ton of stuff I'd like to make into episodes. That's why this is Era of Prog 1. I think i've got a couple other specialty episodes left in me, but otherwise i feel like my tastes in teknis have kinda-sorta been leaning towards progressive as my go-to teknis. Lemme know what you think of this mix. And who knows what the journis towards becoming homo teknis will bring us next. lol. I'm not actually that serious.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Homo Teknis 27

Mr. Fullabuster returns with a special delivery for Mr. Hafenblasten: a special extreme continuous FULL BLAST segment woven into one whole episode. (Kinda like a chain of original tracks and remixes by artists that daisy chains or whatever.) It's a bunch of annoying Dnb that everyone will hate you for.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Homo Teknis 26

Listen, I know what it's like. You come home from a long day at work, where you fulfill your soulless obligations to society. You rip off your work clothes and crash on the couch and start drinkin some beerus. Then you pull out your glock and put it straight to your head and caress the trigger. Of course you're too much of a bitch to actually go through with it, and HT 25 is on in the background so you kind of chill out just enough that you don't bust, and just pass out drunk. It's Monday night. Tuesday morning, you wake up and put the gun straight in your mouth because you know that you're so fat and so stupid that you existing on this planet for even one more moment is a waste of oxygen that some other creature could be using for good purpose. We've all been there. Well, pull that gun out of your mouth, my betty, because this is HT26, chock full of uplifting progressive and trance which might just get you through one more morning. Grab a cup of joe and get dressed. You've got some inconsequential work to do, and a soundtrack to go with it. Bust FULL BLAST.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Homo Teknis 25: Homo Relaxis THRIS

Xetnios drops by for another guest mix on the homo teknis podcast, a two-hour marathon chill-out session. Crack a beeru. Kick back. Chill the FRAK out.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Homo Teknis 24 - The HOS Mix

Bust. Full blast. Nothing is originally FULL BLAST. All human teknis is really just endless iterations of sweetness. There are only a limited number of teknis songs, but there's an unlimited number of ways to FULL BLAST. Welcome back for the 24th installment of the homo teknis podcast, The HOS Mix. As if you didn't already know, HOS is sweetness pidgin for house, as in, deep house and tech house being piped digitally across wires from my house, Club Sointex, to yours. I experimented with harmonic mixing this episode which was pretty fun, and I hope you enjoy it. Bust you jaimis.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Homo Teknis 23

After the recent episode and guitis pleasures DEUCE, I felt like it was time to provide some teknis that, theoretically speaking, you COULD have on when your friends are over, or when you're pulled up to a stoplight with the windows down and not be completely embarrassed when others look at you. Teknis that would make other people think you are cooler, and actually try NOT to make eye contact with you because the teknis you have FULL BLASTING is cooler than whatever they have playing. Granted, I'm not cool, so I neglected to give any spoken intro this time because if the person at the stoplight heard my voice, the coolness of this music would be instantly lose all credibility.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Homo Teknis 22 - HISWES Mix

Secretly released episode, even though it's not really a secret since anyone who's subscribed to the podcast will automatically have their RSS feed see it and download it.... so basically you can call this I'm a fat stupid idiot mix. Actually it just has a lot of trance which is perfect for long highway drives. Hence the switnis pijin name "hiswes."